Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sms Love Quotes 2014

Love Quotes 2014

Why I love you
The answer is
in the purity of your soul
In the tenderness of your touch
In the fire of your eyes

It is so little that I love you
 When I would write these words
 in golden letters in my poem
 to your beautiful eyes water pearls

 It is so afraid to say that I love you
 when I want you to heaven
 If I were God, you'd be queen
 I have for you a thousand islands

The first languorous embrace
in contact with your skin silky
Tel promenade blessed
Transporte my body in heaven

To you who brightens my nights Who illuminates my life
 I give you all my AMOURET forever my pleasure Guardian Guardian
 of my desires I would be forever yours I love you 
PhOto Love Quotes 2014

Happy New Year SmS 2014

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice
And to make an end is to make a beginning.Happy New Year 2014
A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I’ve played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here
And made of it a happy year

New Year is the time to unfold new horizons  ealize new dreams o rediscover
 the strength & faith within u o rejoice in simple pleasures & gear
up for the new challenges ishing u a truly fulfilling 2014

N Ights Of Restful Slumber
E Verything You Need
W Ishing You Love And Light

Y Ears And Years Of Good Health
E Njoyment And Mirth
A Angels To Watch Over You
R Embrances Of A Happy Years

It Is The New Year Again
May All The Goodness That Comes
With A Fresh Start Follow You
Wherever You Go And I
Whatever You Do
As You Enjoy The New Blessings And
Fresh Abundance Of The New Year
Happy NEw YeaR To everYone

Happy New Year
Happy appy new year
We wish you all the best
Great work to reach your fondest goals
And when you’re done weet rest
We Hope for your fulfillment
Contentment, peace and more
A brigher etter new year than
You’ve ever had before